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Your Role as a Helper

Making decisions independently is an important part of mental health recovery. People have the right to make and take responsibility for personal decisions in their lives. But people make their best decisions when they have good information, consider the input of others, and take time to think through what is most important to them.

As a peer, family member, friend, or mental health provider, there are many ways you can help others make informed and thoughtful decisions.

About This Workbook

This workbook is part of the Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) project on Shared Decision Making in Mental Health. This project provides tools to help people who use mental health services and people who provide services to have more collaborative and productive conversations about all aspects of a person’s mental health recovery plan. Often, people want or need support to make a difficult decision. This workbook

is designed to help you support someone in making difficult decision, not just decisions about treatment or services.

Using WRAP & SDM


Tools and Resources

Supporting Choice

Helping Others Make Important Decisions

A Step-by-Step Approach


Washington, DC

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